HR Consulting Services

  • HR Process & Strategy

    Building strong processes and strategy are foundational to a strong HR function, especially at a growing organization. Unfortunately, the day to day demands of most HR departments can make it difficult to tackle efficiently internally. I can help you build the best processes and strategies that fit your unique organizational needs.

  • Succession Planning

    Is your team ready for the future? Are the future leaders of your organization getting the support and development they need to meet the needs of the business? I can help you understand the full scope of succession and development for your organization or departmental scopes to plan for the future.

  • Organizational Design & Change Management

    The structure of your organization impacts how work gets done and how communications flow. A well created structure is an important part of an effective team. Is your current structure working as well as it could for your team today? What about for the future? Also, when you have changes, it is important to manage them holistically to ensure long term success. I can help support both organization design and the change management that comes with it!

  • Employee Engagement & Retention

    A lot of time, energy, and money go into recruiting new team members. Then additional resources go into training them. Retention is an imperative in the new world of work but is as challenging as ever. I can help you understand employee engagement, build programs to address it, and help you tackle retaining your best and brightest talent.

  • Manager Coaching & Training

    Being a manager is a tough job, especially a new manager. I can help support managers at all levels either as a one-on-one coach or supporting your entire manager population with training on how to effectively manage their teams.

  • Talent Development

    Growing internal talent is non-negotiable for today’s talent. Do you have an effective talent development plan to build the pipeline of internal talent needed for where you are headed? We can review current state and also recommend and build plans to take your team to the next level.

  • HR Audit & Recommendations

    Unsure of the current state of your HR function and want an expert review and actionable recommendations? I am here to help! I can review current state and provide a prioritized list of opportunities and help you tackle them!