With over 16 years of HR experience in both large scale, Fortune 500 organizations and start-ups, I bring a breadth of knowledge and experience in all facets of HR and Talent strategy, and a passion for helping organizations and individuals be their most successful!

Early in my career as an HR professional, one of my managers, pushed me to learn the business (which happened to be heavy civil construction) and encouraged me to participate in training that our entry-level team members completed. To say I was pushed out of my comfort zone is a bit of an understatement!

As part of this training, I completed a day in the field with experts in a variety of disciplines. One portion of the training included equipment maintenance and John, a Senior Equipment Manager with many decades of experience, shared that ‘if the equipment on a project is dirty, there is something wrong.’ Now, construction isn’t the cleanest business, so I was a bit surprised and asked- “John, wouldn’t the equipment always be dirty - it’s on a construction site after all?” And he responded “No, every day, either the equipment manager or operator needs to clean the equipment to do daily checks to ensure all the equipment is running properly and safely.” If they aren’t completing those checks, how can we be sure the equipment will work? And if everyone who is on the project sees the dirty equipment and knows that the checks aren’t being completed, what does that say about accountability?

This is of course a very specific example, but it is a lesson that has shaped my career. When you jump into the details of the businesses you support as a HR professional, you learn ways to be more impactful than you ever could without that knowledge. Every member of an organization can point you to these gems, but you have to listen for them and be willing to ask questions to find them.

I believe in truly partnering with the businesses and individuals I have the privilege to work with. I also believe understanding the unique needs of each organization is imperative to driving the best results.

I’ve worked in huge organizations and start-ups, and I can confidently say the key to every organization is the people that build it. Let me help you build your people capabilities.

You can also learn more about my previous experience, education, and professional certifications here.